Day 16: 12-23-19

Hi to all the everybodys and nobodys of the world. I am SOOOOOOOO freaking tired. I just spent a hour and half staring at my computer. You wanna know why?!?!? I REDID MY BLOG!!!! That's a whole accomplishment because I'm not as techy as a 16 year old should probably be at this time. Ya I kinda didn't post on my birthday which was a few months back. Sorry. Aaaaaaanywaaays what should I do today? Why is this a dilemma I face every time I'm trying to blog. Uuuuhhhggg!!!

I just stepped away from here to read an article about things to write about. It was kind of for actual article writers for companies. Hehehe. That's not me, guess I'll have to keep searching.

You know what??? I'm going to tell you guys about something I've been doing recently on a more personal app. The app itself isn't important so we're going to dive write into my weird thing for words.

Usually I post a word that most people would't know; either because they are uncommon or in a different language. I don't really know why I do it other than my love for words. Be able to describe something as always been mesmerizing to me until I just can't find the word.

I'm aware that I've put some wordy pictures on here but why not more?

abience (n)- the strong urge to avoid someone or something 

petrichor (n)- the smell of Earth after rain

arcane (adj)-  known or knowable only to a few people: secret

solivagant (n)- a solitary wanderer

rantipole (n)- a wild reckless sometimes quarrelsome person
          (adj)- characterized by a wild unruly manner or attitude
          (v)- to act like a rantipole 

That's I have time for now, sadly. Now that you know I love words, share some with me. If you're not catching the hint: COMMENT! Aaaaaand I'd love for you to become one of my very own everybodys or nobodys, so follow, I literally spent too much time trying to figure out how to add the button to my home page, so pleeeeeeeeease (insert my best puppy dog eyes).

If you didn't: It's okay, but not really. I'm trying to be nice.

Here's my usual ending of random pictures:
Don't try to downplay my power.

true that

I need to sharpen this skill.


Something funny to end off with.

This quote doesn't have much to do with anything but it won't hurt:

" I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become."
- C.G.Jung

                                   Your Somebody, 


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