Day 4: 3-22-19

Hello to all of my everybodys and nobodys of the world. I just wrote a whole paragraph about life and I've chosen to just dive into the gossip instead. Maybe one day I'll write about some wisdom. That day might even be today, so lets see what happens.

At this point I might just start completely ignoring history. Nothing EVER happens in there anyway,

Sooooo today was the geometry test and I may or may not have bombed it. . If I did it's going to bring my grade down so much. The good news is that I won't have to know what my grade is for a solid week. You know why? IT'S SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!. The bad part about that is I actually like school. It's a place where I can be myself  and and some people actually like it. Unless I'm completely delusional and making stuff up. Hey! It could actually be real. You'll never know. DUN....DUN....DUN....

Next up is chorus. Since today was the last day before spring break Mr.Lin let us have a free day. Usually I just read on my phone while occasionally gossiping with my friend...... Mia. The thing was that my phone only had like 20% charge because my brother didn't put it in charge after he used itI had to put my screen light on the lowest setting possible to read my book. It was absolutely horrible. I was blessed by god because I made it through the school day with charge left in my phone until we got home.

Finally this is where the tea comes in.  Before class started I was in class waiting for the bell to ring when my friend Stover told me that our Command Sergeant Major, Boxer, said that she was too feminist, so she dressed in her most feminist PT outfit today. I replied to this by saying that there is no such thing as " too feminist" and with that we became good friends. This was not tea, but I decided to put some sister love in here. You just don't mess with girls or the whole sisterhood  is going to show up. At least I hope they do. Anyways after we ran our mile we started playing a game. That's when I realized that there were so many couples. I'm proud to say that that's something I'll never be a part of. However, if you are in a relationship I mean no offense.

It's just that I'm a proud member of the Single Pringle For Life club. I suggest that you join because you can be that person who has so much advice for people that aren't in relationships. The only rule is that you can not be in a relationship or have been in one. That's all the bad humor I have for you today, so I'm going to leave you with me and my best friend's,  named Crazy, favorite song and a few other things.

Feminism Y'all

This has never happened to me, but it's still funny.

A few of my favorite poems by my favorite poet.

Crazy's and Weirdo's jam: "I'll Make a Man Out of You," from Mulan.


Your Somebody,


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