Day 9: 4-10-19

Hi all of the everybodys and nobodys of the world. I've been busy with school and stuff, so i couldn't post for awhile. The thing is that only maybe three people read this, so this is actually a note for the future readers that may not exist. I have a HUGE math test tomorrow, so I spent a solid two hours studying for that, and I should've studied more. I don't know what to write about today, since I'm to lazy to tell you guys what I've been doing. How about another piece of poetry or a song? As much as I hate it, I love rereading my explanations. Let's dive in heads first.

R.M. Broderick

Unfortunately this isn't by Eric Hanson, and I don't really know this poet. However to me that doesn't make the value of his or her's words decrease. My dreams have always been TOO big to achieve even though they are right in hands reach, but these hands have always had chains tying them down. Don't even get me started on those next two lines. To me that means that many, many people have let you down or that the same people have let you down many, many times.In my case it's the latter. i have learned to build my walls up high, yet they always come down. Just like birds being shot down,
 Ugggggh. I'm getting to poetic. The funny thing is that the birds analogy was something I made up in elementary school.  Moving on, I have always been shy and that's nothing new to me. I can never start conversations, so the words I want to say never leave my mouth. Whenever I want to complement someone or go talk to people that I know that aren't my friends I immediately back out because of all the what ifs. The next line.... Every second my mind switches sides in this battle of either, " I'm right and I know it," or, " Let's not be to egoistical you have a high chance of being wrong." This leaves my mind to over think EVERYTHING I do. 

Well that's it on this poem, so if you want to see me do this to a specific poem, song lyric, or quotes, then comment down below. I'm going to leave you with some random stuff.

demotivational posters, rage comics, funny bathroom break, asking a teacher

I actually memorized this.....

When someone I hate asks me why I'm so quiet around them. "Well, you can't plan a murder out loud."
True that.

What to say to someone who LIED to you
Got eeem!

Well I gots to go!

Your Somebody,


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