Day 15: 12-22-19

Hello to all the everybodys and nobodys of the world! I was super excited to see that I got 2 whole comments! I was thinking of doing another poem thing, but I'm not really feeling any inspiration or even much emotion at the moment. I wouldn't want to lie about the feelings I'm getting from a piece of art so let's try something else. I never really know but we can do a Q&A if you want, but for that I'll need some questions. So come up with some, and I'll try my best to answer. If you have any ideas on what I should do, I'm all ears.

You know what I really like now days?  Kindness. It's in the smallest actions, but it can change a whole life. One single person can change someone's world. I think that's magical.

From a young age I've always wanted to be magical and now I found a way. I see smiling as a gift from god. One smile can make a person whose having a bad day lift up the corner's of their mouth, and in that small action maybe --- just maybe you distracted them from their devastation. You made them think about you. Isn't that magical? To make someone think of something. Having the power to tap into person's mind.

That may or may not have made any sense but it felt nice to share my magic out to the world. Though it's kind of hypocritical because I find myself frowning a lot, but who doesn't have problems. I think it's alright to take a few days off from changing the world. Especially since I'm on break and I'm not really out there.

So all my readers from the present and the future if you're reading this why not go and change the world? Why not make a difference?

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Image result for smiling quotes

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Well that's all I have for now....


                                                                                  Your Somebody,


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