Day 19: 6-30-20

Hello to all the everybodys and nobodys of the world. Listen; I know it's been a while and well there is no excuse. To be honest I haven't written for or in anything during this duration other than in my personal journal maaaaaybe four times. I usually write every other day in it too. Writing helps me solve my problems and I've been just avoiding them, so here I am back again... trying. I missed this.

The last time I wrote on here I was ... different to say the least. Maybe all my crossing the bridge stuff helped someone get somewhere, but it's easier said than done. Wow, being a teenager can be hard sometimes.

Remember that newspaper idea I was thinking about. Well I realized that I kinda don't have time for it. I mean I do, but I also don't. Hmmmmm. How do I explain this? It's like this: whatever I do I like to put in a 100% , and I just don't have that at this exact moment. I don't like doing things half-heartedly (I don't think that's a word). Just like this blog. I came back when I felt that I wanted to, not because I felt obligated to. 

I'm not trying to turn this into a quarantine/self-isolation blog, but I do have a few things that I have really been enjoying. Things like reading, although I've just been listening to audio books. 

Book Recommendation: 
Again, but Better by: Christine Riccio 

I go walking everyday on this path nearby and and I absolutely love going off the path and discovering new places and views. Everything is mesmerizing. Maybe I'll add a few photos. I've had so many adventures. 

If my escapades were in a book,with each chapter a different moment, they'd be titled: 

The Hidden Paths
Just a Little Ways Off
It's Raining and Everyone is Missing
Try Not to get Kidnapped
You Look Crazy
Would this Count as Trespassing?
Don't get Struck by Lightning
Red-Eyed Turtle
Another Turtle is After Me!!!!!

Every time I go I try to take videos of my struggles. My friend Dana is possibly concerned for my mental health and my uncle just dies of laughter from the amount of cringe and panicking that I capture footage of. It for real looks like I've never leave the house much, which I don't but that's not important. 

Yup. That's it. My sense of humor has died on me since I began to embrace my anti-social side. .

Well if I haven't already lost all those readers from last time, I probably have now. 

I wanna write more, but I don't know what to say. Maybe I'll just finish off with stupid stuff from pinterest. If anyone that I haven't made read this is on here, tell me what's up. My lack of trending knowledge is even more real now, so fill me in. If you know the answer to life, do NOT forget to spill to me. 

luv this 

these kinda complements mean the world 

they be exposing me 


I forgot to talk about the BLM things that are happening right now. All I got to say is that it's 2020 y'all. We should be past this. Some people for real need to update their mental software. We stand against racism.  

Let's all be kind.
                                                        Your somebody,


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